
On 23 June 2021, the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) launched a case study titled: “Understanding Men and Masculinities: Toward Creating Egalitarian Gender Relations in Afghan Society”, authored by… Read More
The Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) in collaboration with the Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT) launched a research paper titled: “In War, No One Distributes Sweets: Assessing Transitional Justice… Read More
What will happen to the 1.5million desert settlers of southwest #Afghanistan? That is the question that When the Water Runs Dry, a report by the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit… Read More
On 20 January 2020, AREU organised an event at the Serena hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan, to launch its report “The Helmand Food Zone: The Illusion of Success” by Dr David… Read More
AREU brought together a distinguished panel of speakers to have a conversation about understanding what constitutes credible research and how to conduct it in a period of significant uncertainty. The… Read More
Within Afghanistan’s deeply socially embedded economy, informal credit is a key mechanism through which markets operate and through which the distributional economy provides access to land, labour and income for… Read More