The Intersection


Blog posts do not reflect the views of AREU but those of their authors. AREU welcomes submissions by external writers. Contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in writing a blog post related to one of our thematic areas of research.

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Field Stories

AREU researchers are active in the field. Here, we bring you their observations from the field so as to help readers get a better sense of the smell and feel of the context. Our researchers draw attention to what stood out and why, what was different about their most recent trip back to the same district, as well as sharing the views they gleaned from residents in the areas where they spent time. Field Stories seeks to enrich our understanding of the environment by presenting views from the ground.

Field Story

Empowering women: the case of savings groups in Afghanistan

Field Story

The Right to Exist: A story of my trip to Nepal

Field Story

Dare to step…

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On 23 June 2021, the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) launched a case study titled: “Understanding Men and Masculinities: Toward Creating Egalitarian Gender Relations in Afghan Society”, authored by… Read More
The Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) in collaboration with the Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT) launched a research paper titled: “In War, No One Distributes Sweets: Assessing Transitional Justice… Read More
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