Why Think Tanks matter – AREU Panel Discussion

Why Think Tanks matter – AREU Panel Discussion

AREU brought together a distinguished panel of speakers to have a conversation about understanding what constitutes credible research and how to conduct it in a period of significant uncertainty. The discussion took place at a pertinent time where the political environment in Afghanistan and the broader region is changing and is likely to change quite dramatically. During such periods of rapid change, think tanks play a vital role in conducting evidence-based research to provide an accurate picture of the context, the current state, and the actors involved. It was in this context that AREU held the "Why Think Tanks Matter" event which is an annual forum for discussion on global trends in international relations and politics. The panel was moderated by AREU Deputy Director Dr Nishank Motwani and the panelists included: Anne Jasim-Falher (Founder and Managing Director, ATR Consulting), Khwaga Kakar (Director, Apama Consultancy Services), Dr Saeed Parto (Co-Founder and Director, Afghanistan Public Policy Research Organization), and Dr Barnett Rubin (Associate Director and Senior Fellow, New York University).

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