Three-pronged research effort into essential areas of Natural Resources Management (NRM)

Three-pronged research effort into essential areas of Natural Resources Management (NRM)

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to improving the sustainability and increasing the wealth of the rural population, by enhancing the social and economic development of rural communities and reducing hunger and vulnerability. Also, the project aims to provide policy tools to the Afghan government, donor community and practitioners to improve the management of natural resources in three key areas: area-based poppy control strategies, national groundwater management and conflict prevention between nomad and settled populations.

These three components are characteristic of the Agriculture, Rural Development and Natural Resources Management challenges Afghanistan faces at the dawn of what has been called its ‘Transformation Decade’. They reflect the complex issues national policy makers face in a context of growing and shifting pressures. Perspectives used will include that of rural livelihoods, water management, counter-narcotics and the resolution of socio-economic tensions between population groups.

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