The Afghan Constitutional Analysis and Dialogues

The Afghan Constitutional Analysis and Dialogues

The Afghan Constitutional Analysis and Dialogues Project seeks to disseminate research and promote dialogue on how the Afghan Constitution has fared during its first decade. The project will examine the status and evolution of constitutional and legal debates ten years after the adoption of the Afghan Constitution and twelve years after the Bonn process.  The research will review the legal and political history surrounding the development of the 2004 Constitution, and provide analysis on key statutory documents.  As part of the project AREU will commission a series of papers examining key themes of the Constitution including separation of powers, elections law, and fundamental rights.  Each paper will examine actual constitutional crisis that took place over the past ten years, and analyze the underlying legal and political issues.  Following each paper AREU will host round table discussions with relevant stakeholders.
As part of the series, AREU will present papers on the following topics:
• Overall commentary on the state of the Afghan Constitution, authored by the world renowned constitutional expert Dr. Hashim Kamali.
• State of electoral dispute resolution, with a focus on the Special Election Tribunal of 2010 authored by Ghizaal Haress, Professor of Constitutional Law, American University of Afghanistan.
• State of separation of powers, authored by Deputy Chair and Commissioner Farid Hamidi, Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission


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