Losing Legitimacy? Some Afghan Views on the Government, the International Community, and the 2009 Elections

Losing Legitimacy? Some Afghan Views on the Government, the International Community, and the 2009 Elections



Authors Noah Coburn
Type Briefing Paper
Theme Governance and Political Economy
Language English
Date of Publication November 01, 2009
Total Pages 10
Available In English
Following the confusing conclusion to Afghanistan’s 2009 election season, an immediate international concern was the extent to which the process had damaged the legitimacy of the Afghan government. But to what extent did the presidential elections of 2009 actually damage the legitimacy of the government in the eyes of the Afghan people? Have Afghan attitudes toward the state and the electoral process actually shifted? This report from AREU explores these questions. It is based on research in three areas of Kabul Province, including extensive interviews conducted before and after the initial vote, as well as after the cancellation of the second round of voting.


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