A Closer Look: The Policy and Lawmaking Process Behind the Shiite Personal Status Law

A Closer Look: The Policy and Lawmaking Process Behind the Shiite Personal Status Law



Authors Lauryn Oates
Type Issues Paper
Theme Legal Studies and Constitutional Review
Language English
Date of Publication September 01, 2009
Total Pages 39
Available In English
In March 2009, news of the Shiite Personal Status Law, which included a handful of articles that restricted the rights of Afghan Shia women, exploded in the international press, galvanising heated responses from a variety of stakeholders. An AREU study has sought to examine another angle of this story: the inception, preparation and parliamentary passage of the law. The aim has been to identify what this experience can illustrate about lawmaking in post-Bonn Afghanistan, and the political culture and capacity surrounding it. Respondents included MPs, Shia academics, civil society representatives, Shia women who demonstrated against the law, a Supreme Court judge, and representatives of independent media outlets, the international community, and the Ministry of Justice.


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