Resurgence and Reduction: Explanations for Changing Levels of Opium Poppy Cultivation in Nangarhar and Ghor in 2006-07

Resurgence and Reduction: Explanations for Changing Levels of Opium Poppy Cultivation in Nangarhar and Ghor in 2006-07



Authors David Mansfield
Type Case Study
Theme Natural Resource Management
Language English
Date of Publication May 01, 2008
Total Pages 66
Available In English
This case study looks at changes in opium poppy cultivation from 2005-06 to 2006-07 in two provinces of Afghanistan: Nangarhar and Ghor. Drawing on three years of fieldwork, it highlights that rural households cultivating opium poppy do not necessarily generate a gross per capita income either above the subsistence level of a dollar a day or greater than non-poppy cultivating households in the same province. This report is one of seven multi-site case studies undertaken during the second stage of AREU’s three-year study, “Applied Thematic Research into Water Management, Livestock and the Opium Economy.”


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