Field Notes and Observations of Gender and Local Level Decision Making in Robat-e Sangi, Herat Province

Field Notes and Observations of Gender and Local Level Decision Making in Robat-e Sangi, Herat Province



Authors Shawna Wakefield
Type Case Study
Theme Gender
Language English
Date of Publication December 30, 2004
Total Pages 11
Available In English
These notes are from one of five case studies conducted between March and October 2004 for AREU's Gender and Local Level Decision Making Project. The overall project objective is to improve policies and programmes that aim to increase women’s participation in public life. In each field site the study aimed to explore issues of gender based norms, roles and responsibilities involved in household level decision making, asking: what are some of the household and community decision making processes, the methods women and men use, and the social resources they draw upon to assert their interests within the household and community?; what are some of the links, if any, between household and community level decision making, and do key community institutions reflect outcomes related to women’s needs and interests?


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