A Guide to Government in Afghanistan

A Guide to Government in Afghanistan



Authors Anne Evans, Nick Manning, Yasin Osmani, Anne Tully, Andrew Wilder
Type A - Z Guide
Theme Governance and Political Economy
Language English
Date of Publication March 01, 2004
Total Pages 185
Available In English
This joint AREU and World Bank publication has three objectives: 1) it seeks to provide newcomers to the political and administrative scene in Afghanistan with a basic guide to the structures and processes of government; 2) it intends to provider reformers with some understanding of how to work “with the grain” of existing institutional arrangements; and 3) it seeks to pay tribute to the remarkable people who have kept government running and those who are reforming it. The guide draws the bulk of its material from six provincial case studies: Faryab and Herat, undertaken in November 2002; Badakhshan and Wardak in April 2003; Kandahar in June 2003; and finally Bamiyan in July 2003.


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