Three Villages in Alingar, Laghman: A Case Study of Rural Livelihoods

Three Villages in Alingar, Laghman: A Case Study of Rural Livelihoods



Authors Alice Kerr-Wilson, Adam Pain
Type Case Study
Theme Social Protection and Livelihoods
Language English
Date of Publication November 01, 2003
Total Pages 43
Available In English
This case study presents village and household data and findings on three villages in Alingar, Laghman Province. This paper is part of AREU’s Rural Livelihoods Monitoring Research Project and aims to stimulate debate over the nature of livelihood strategies in rural Afghanistan and NGO responses to these strategies. In collaboration with the Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees (DACAAR), the survey data collected information on assets and debts, economic activities, and income and expenditure at the wealth group and village level. Further, income-generating activities–farm-based sources of income, the wood economy and non-farm labour–are explored in more detail on the village-level.


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