The Impacts of Water Sector Reforms on Agricultural Productivity in Afghanistan

The Impacts of Water Sector Reforms on Agricultural Productivity in Afghanistan



Authors Atal Ahmadzai, Mujib Ahmad Azizi, khalid behzad
Type Issues Paper
Theme Natural Resource Management
Language English
Date of Publication July 20, 2017
Total Pages 32
Available In English | پشتو
In 2009, Afghanistan enacted its Water Law based on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles and aimed at making agriculture a more dynamic driver of the national economy. Though the sector has huge potential for contributing to sustainable development, its dynamism is heavily dependent on the functionality and efficiency of irrigation, which accounts for 95 percent of total water consumption. The reforms introduced by the Water Law instigated new institutional frameworks and functional mechanisms at central, river, and sub-river basin levels in accordance with the IWRM principles. The reforms are focused on restructuring water management based on river and sub-river basins. This paper examines the impact of the reforms on agricultural productivity.


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