Does Women’s Participation in the National Solidarity Programme Make a Difference in their Lives? A Case Study in Balkh Province

Does Women’s Participation in the National Solidarity Programme Make a Difference in their Lives? A Case Study in Balkh Province



Authors Chona R. Echavez, Jennefer Lyn Bagaporo
Type Case Study
Theme Gender
Language English
Date of Publication March 11, 2012
Total Pages 44
Available In English
This case study examines women’s participation in the National Solidarity Programme (NSP) in a Pashtun-majority community in Balkh Province. It finds that despite women’s weak involvement in actual project implementation, the NSP offered them an unprecedented chance to take part in activities outside their homes, an opportunity to be involved in community decision-making, and a venue to collectively explore and express their capabilities. While often fragile, these developments were seen as significant positive changes by those involved.


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