Opium Poppy Strikes Back: The 2011 Return of Opium in Balkh and Badakhshan Provinces

Opium Poppy Strikes Back: The 2011 Return of Opium in Balkh and Badakhshan Provinces



Authors Adam Pain
Type Case Study
Theme Natural Resource Management
Language English
Date of Publication July 04, 2011
Total Pages 49
Available In English
After several years of decline, opium poppy is experiencing a resurgence in both Badakhshan and “poppy-free” Balkh. While rising prices have played a part, a range of other factors including local power relations, security and the poor health of the rural economy continue to make opium cultivation an attractive choice for many farmers. This paper examines where and how opium has re-emerged in each province, and explores the drivers for its return. Ultimately, it argues argues that counter-narcotics policies and development interventions under the banner of alternative livelihoods are yet to produce the conditions required for a durable shift out of opium.


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