Is Capacity Being Built? A Study of Policymaking Process in the Primary and Secondary Education Subsector

Is Capacity Being Built? A Study of Policymaking Process in the Primary and Secondary Education Subsector



Authors Sayed Mohammad Shah
Type Case Study
Theme Social Protection and Livelihoods
Language English
Date of Publication July 01, 2010
Total Pages 44
Available In English
This study is one in a series of case studies conducted by AREU to understand policymaking processes in different sectors, a research project that started in September 2007. This case study focuses on the primary and secondary education subsector and is the final in the series, all of which provide input for a synthesis paper on policymaking in Afghanistan. The earlier case studies covered agriculture and rural development, governance, the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS), and lawmaking (the Shiite Personal Status Law).


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