1 TV

1 TV

Despair or Hope: Rural Livelihoods and Opium Poppy Dynamics in Afghanistan Media Round Table Discussion
On the 6th of August, a round table, discussing AREU’s recent researches on opium was recorded and broadcasting through one of Afghanistan’s leading TV channels, 1TV. Guest panelists participated in the round table discussion, included (1)deputy minister for counter narcotics, (2)agriculture ministry’s head of alternative livelihood, (3)former counter narcotics official now independent expert on opium and (4) AREU’s deputy director for communications and advocacy. The round table run for close to one hour and broadcasted twice during one of the most-watched air times. The audio on the round table has been given to Killid Group, which will be telecasted via a number of local radio stations across the country, through Killid Group’s local media partners. you can watch this debate by copying these links in to your browser.

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