“Women’s Economic Empowerment in Afghanistan, 2002- 2012: Information Mapping and Situational Analysis”

“Women’s Economic Empowerment in Afghanistan, 2002- 2012: Information Mapping and Situational Analysis”

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit held a workshop on findings of its research project titled “Women’s Economic Empowerment in Afghanistan, 2002- 2012: Information Mapping and Situational Analysis” funded by UN Women. The half-day workshop brought together a variety of stakeholders, including representatives from Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries, the Ministry of Women's Affairs, Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Hajj & Religious Affairs, international NGOs and donors including UN Women, GmbH/German International Cooperation, Embassy of Canada, Embassy of Finland and local NGO’s involved in economic activities and project implementers.
Mr. Nader Nadery director of AREU welcomed the participants. UN Women's country representative Ms.Ingibjorg Solrun Gisladottir gave the keynote address, after which AREU’s research team of Masouda Kohistani, Rahim Azami and Dr. Lena Ganish, presented the study’s findings. These were then followed by group discussions, feedback and reflection. Simultaneous translation was provided between Dari and English throughout.
This research looks at the various ways in which economic engagement of women has been addressed in this past decade and provides recommendations for enhancing women’s economic potential in the unfolding economy of Afghanistan.

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