The Other Side of Gender Inequality: Men and Masculinities in Afghanistan

The Other Side of Gender Inequality: Men and Masculinities in Afghanistan

On 25th of January, 2016, AREU hosted a National Dissemination Conference to brief stakeholders about the research findings of the paper, titled: “The Other Side of Gender Inequality:Men and Masculinities in Afghanistan.” The event was an opportunity to not only engage government and civil society partners, but also representatives of the communities where the research had taken place. A number of participants from Bamiyan, Nangarhar and Takhar provinces, as well as from Bagrami district of Kabul province attended the workshop and engaged in a lively debate that brought new prospective to the discussions. After the presentation of the findings, officials from key partner ministries, including the ministry of education (MoED), ministry of information of culture and the UN-Women reacted on the findings and pledged full support in considering those research findings and recommendations in further policy developments. AREU also screened a short movie, based on the key research findings and recommendations of this paper.The movie will be put online in AREU’s YouTube channel for further access.





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