Kick-Off Workshop on Migration Governance

Kick-Off Workshop on Migration Governance

On January 18, 2017, Govern4Afg conducted a Kick-off Workshop for the discussion & research process on migration governance, at AREU Library, Kabul. The objective of the workshop. The aim of this workshop was to introduce the thematic scope of the envisaged research, to discuss the current status, challenges, and priorities for migration governance in Afghanistan and to present and agree on the methodological approach and key questions of the research with the participants. There were 25 representatives from Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR), Office of the President, GIZ, World Bank, EU, and research organizations and think tanks based in Kabul who attended this workshop.

The Deputy Minister of MoRR on Refugee Affairs, Dr. Alema participated in the Kick-off event and appreciated AREU for producing high-quality research that helps the government of Afghanistan in formulating their policies and programmes. She also highlighted the significance of this research that will assist them in the formulation of their policies and spotlight the ways for its implementation. The migration crisis has always been viewed as a challenge; she emphasized that it should be seen as an opportunity to enhance the capacity and efficiency of the system.

Mr. Khaybar Farahi from the Office of the President also suggested that this research could highlight the priorities so that government with the limited resources available should provide a fundamental work for solving the migration problems and challenges. He also suggested this research should identify long- and short-term services for the returnees and IDPs need to be provided.

The international expert, Helen Seese and a national expert, Mr. Wali Mohammad Kandiwal presented in a brief introduction to the topic current trends in migration flow, the migration governance system in Afghanistan and challenges for migration governance. In the subsequent discussion, participants highlighted some major challenges and priorities for taking into consideration in this research context: 
• Gaps in the definitions of migration and reintegration that underpin the institutional framework and policy-making; and
• The necessity for conducting a comprehensive mapping of migration governance, to clarify the roles and improve coordination among the different stakeholder working in migration issue.

The advisors of MoRR emphasized on the challenges faced by MoRR and the re-structuring the MoRR roles as policy implementer. Reviewing and re-thinking reintegration concepts and their translation into policy, including the relationship between migrant, refugee, IDPs and their host communities; The question of how to bridge the divide between humanitarian and development dimensions of migration governance were also discussed.

Due to the limited scope of the research, the migration issue paper will not be able to cover all individual aspects discussed during the workshop. However, the analysis will attempt to address the main subjects and dominated discussions. Thus, the topic involves the functional reviews and question about the future role of the MoRR, as well as definitions and concepts on reintegration.

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