How do social protection and labour programmes contribute to social inclusion in Afghanistan

How do social protection and labour programmes contribute to social inclusion in Afghanistan

On May 1, 2014  AREU briefed the national and international media outlets on findings of its new research entitled ‘How do social protection and labour programmes contribute to social inclusion in Afghanistan’. The event was attended by media representatives of 8 subh, Khorshid TV, The Killid Group, Khorshid TV, Arzo TV, Azadi Radio, Afghanistan Times, and BBC Dari. 8 shubh, BBC Dari, Radio Azadi, KhorshidTV, Afghanistan Times and ArzoTV picked up on the story. DDCA and Shukria Azadmanish (Gender SRA) briefed the media on the findings of report.Below media picked up on the issue. (Please see the links below).


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