Governance Forum Afghanistan; Inaugural Workshop

Governance Forum Afghanistan; Inaugural Workshop

The Governance Forum Afghanistan (Govern4Afg) was officially launched on Sunday, May 10th 2015, in presence of the Afghan and German. Govern4Afg is a joint platform for policy dialogue on governance topics in Afghanistan, where researchers and policy-makers from Afghanistan and Germany will provide evidence-based inputs to foster the dialogue aiming to strengthen development cooperation in the governance sector. More than 30 representatives from the Afghan policy-making entities such as MoFA, MoJ, MoMP, MRRD, IDLG and the IARCSC, and on the German side, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) and all GIZ and KfW governance programs participated in the workshop. The main objectives of the workshop were to discuss coordination and steering structure of the forum and agree on topics for the five policy research papers on governance.
The workshop was held by GOPA/AREU/JS consortium that is responsible for implementation of the Govern4Afg. AREU is particularly responsible for ensuring the quality of the research on topics of governance.


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