Developing Training Materials on Trafficking in Persons in Afghanistan.

Developing Training Materials on Trafficking in Persons in Afghanistan.

SGG and AREU jointly hosted a Workshop on October 28, 2015 for the stakeholders of Trafficking in Persons: Law Enforcement and Judicial units. The participants at the workshop included persons from the Justice Sector Support Programme (JSSP), members and representatives of the High Commission for the Crimes against Abduction and Trafficking, Afghanistan Border Police, Afghanistan National Police Academy – including Crime Management College, Kabul Police Staff College, Attorney General’s Office, Afghanistan Independent Bar Association and UNODC. The day long workshop included some successful discussions and sharing of ideas on how the training curriculums should be developed, who the trainings should be targeted against and what sectors (or which actors) are in greater need for training and development of curriculums on Trafficking in Persons.


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