Call for blogs to mark 100 years of Afghanistan’s independence

Call for blogs to mark 100 years of Afghanistan’s independence

AREU is calling for Blogs to mark 100 years of Afghanistan’s independence. From relative isolation, independence and engagement, Afghanistan has gone through tremendous change. The past century has seen Afghanistan take control of its political affairs from Britain through the signing of the Treaty of Rawalpindi (or Anglo-Afghan Treaty) on 8 August 1919 to a period of relative peace from 1929 to 1978 to four decades of ongoing conflict. The latter phase has meant that an entire generation of Afghans were born at a time when the country has been at war. But, conflict is not what defines Afghanistan even though recent memory gives it this impression. The question that arises from the past century is hence not limited to certain events, rulers or interventions, but rather interrogates the very idea of Afghanistan and the country’s place in the comity of nations.


To mark 100 years of independence, we would like authors to respond to the overarching question: What is the idea of Afghanistan? We are also interested in hearing your views on other related themes that look at the social, economic, and political factors that have shaped and are shaping Afghanistan. The additional themes that authors can write about to commemorate 100 years of independence are:

  • Natural resources, taxation and industry
  • Governance, political economy and legitimacy
  • Gender, women’s rights and equality
  • Social protection and livelihoods
  • The rule of law, the constitution and elections
  • Migration, displacement and reintegration
  • Regional cooperation and diplomacy

Authors should submit blog style pieces of up to 1,000 words. Entries open today and will close on 31 July. AREU will publish a collection of the selected works online at an event to commemorate Afghanistan’s 100 years of independence. Date and venue details on the centenary anniversary event will be announced at a later stage.


Should you have any questions or need more information please contact: [email protected]

Thank you, and we look forward to receiving your written entries!

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