AREU RESEARCH: Words Fighting A Wall

AREU RESEARCH: Words Fighting A Wall

AREU’s researches are words fighting a wall…
A wall built of history
A wall that has witnessed and experienced conflict, anguish
A wall that is principled and complex
AREU’s researches are words fighting a wall…
Words that are fighting for change
Experiences turned to words
Aspiring to be heard
Would the wall soften?
Would it even sense the fight?
Maybe, slightly, maybe not
Yet AREU pushes
It advances
With partners, AREU moves forward
As we press on we could make some holes on that wall
We could soften some bricks
Make holes on the wall
Through these holes we could see some light
So we poke these holes until they get bigger
The light becomes brighter, bigger, clearer
May those who follow not cover the holes
May those who follow understand the holes
May those who follow push more…
May those who follow not build the wall again
May those who follow be followed by others with good intentions
Someday the wall would come down and others could see further


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