Welcome to the new AREU website!

Welcome to the new AREU website!

We’ve worked hard to develop a site that can really expand AREU’s online presence, with the goal of delivering our research as widely as possible and helping our users easily access what they’re looking for.

Since being established in late-2001, AREU has conducted over 30 research projects and published about 250 reports, with many of them translated into Dari and Pashto. That’s why a key focus of the new site is an integrated database that links publications, projects, events and the blog together in a way that helps users follow threads of interest and jump easily between related sections. All papers and projects feature online summaries, with news and special projects highlighted on the homepage, and users can quickly sign up for AREU publication announcements and event invitations.

This blog is a way for AREU staff to release findings, comment on issues, and tell interesting stories from the field. In particular, we feel it’s important to humanise the research process because a huge amount of work, travel and perseverance goes into AREU research, and insights into the process can be insights into Afghanistan too. You can feed the blog straight into your reader using the orange RSS button, and there is also a separate feed for AREU publication announcements.

Another innovation is the online presentation of AREU’s well-known A to Z Guide to Afghanistan Assistance—including a searchable contacts database. The AREU library catalogue can also be accessed and much of its electronic content downloaded.

We hope you enjoy the new AREU website and the research to be found here. As with all new websites, there may be a few teething issues and we ask that any errors be reported to [email protected] to help us ensure a seamless experience for visitors.

Many thanks for your visit.

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