The Afghan Parliament: Constitutional Mandate versus the Practice in the Post 2001 Context

The Afghan Parliament: Constitutional Mandate versus the Practice in the Post 2001 Context



Authors Dr. Shamshad Pasarlay, Zalmay Mallyar
Type Issues Paper
Theme Legal Studies and Constitutional Review
Language English
Date of Publication May 15, 2019
Total Pages 68
Available In English | پشتو
Legislatures or parliaments, as the highest law-making bodies in a country, are seen to manifest the will of their people. They play an important role in the life of a nation by performing three fundamental functions: (1) making, changing and repealing laws; (2) representing and articulating the views and demands of the people in all types of decision-making processes; and (3) overseeing the actions of the executive branch to ensure that the government is accountable to the people. Performing these three core functions successfully requires a strong, effective and efficient parliament. this research recommends some necessary mechanisms for a viable Afghan parliament and a realistic separation of powers. Changing the electoral system and encouraging the growth of political parties might be useful steps that Afghanistan should take to enrich the performance of the parliament.


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