Surface-groundwater interaction in the Kabul region basin

Surface-groundwater interaction in the Kabul region basin



Authors PhD candidate Najibullah Sadid
Type Issues Paper
Theme Natural Resource Management
Language English
Date of Publication April 30, 2020
Total Pages 58
Available In English | پشتو | دری

Groundwater—the main water supply source for Kabul residents—has been extensively exploited in the past 2 decades, causing large drawdowns. While the imbalance between groundwater recharge and use is considered a key driver of the decline, the rapid increase in urbanisation has further limited the marginal share of regeneration from the land surface; hence, rivers and streams remain the only recharge sources.

This research quantifies the groundwater recharge rates in central Kabul, upper Kabul/Paghman, Logar, Shamali and Panjsher sub-basins. The study employs three approaches: (i) basin-scale water budget balance; (ii) river reach length water balance (RLWB); and (iii) groundwater mounding (GWM) using Hantush’s 1967 groundwater growth equation to estimate the water surplus/deficit, transmission losses through riverbeds and groundwater recharge rates, respectively.


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