Technology and Humanitarian Aid in Afghanistan: Using technology for data collection and communication in the context of conflict

Technology and Humanitarian Aid in Afghanistan: Using technology for data collection and communication in the context of conflict



Authors Dr. Rodrigo Mena
Type Working Paper
Theme Social Protection and Livelihoods
Language English
Date of Publication March 04, 2020
Total Pages 40
Available In English
The provision of humanitarian aid and responding to conflict and disasters both require an appropriate amount of information to assess a situation, plan and implement a response, and evaluate any actions. Collecting this information can be difficult in places affected by high-intensity conflict (HIC).  While technology can bring multiple benefits and solutions for the above, less well known are its negative consequences, unexpected impacts, or hidden inequalities. Information collected through technology can be used for non-humanitarian purposes, or can be controversial in settings of war or violent conflict, especially with regard to geo-positional data that can be used in belligerent actions.


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