Study of Afghanistan’s Organization and Structure of Public Administration under the 2004 Constitution

Study of Afghanistan’s Organization and Structure of Public Administration under the 2004 Constitution



Authors Mirwais Ayobi, Dr Haroun Rahimi
Type Policy note
Theme Legal Studies and Constitutional Review
Language English
Date of Publication December 30, 2018
Total Pages 4
Available In English | پشتو
In Afghanistan,since the inception of modern organizations of public administration,towards the end of nineteenth century,states have utilized different models of public administration ranging from centralization,to deconcentrated centralization,to decentralization.However,due to multiple and concomitant reasons,such as tribal and traditional structures,political instability,rapid regime change,constant historical raptures,top-down and imported nature of attempted administrative reforms,and xenophobic and centrifugal forces within Afghan society,none of these models have ever been successfully institutionalized. The current Constitution, adopted in 2004,seeks to establish a deconcentrated form of centralized administration, albeit with some conditions.


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