Don’t underestimate the power of blue fingers

Don’t underestimate the power of blue fingers

Hopes of democracy increased when people enormously participated in 2014 presidential election. The process was almost peaceful and security was tight. Slap of people on face of armed opposition. The election process was completely Afghanize. Who will win it is another discussion but people proved that they believe in democracy not war anymore. Social media was full with pictures of showing proudly their blue colored fingers and their voting cards. The presence of women in this election was also enormous. Media also played a key role in awareness rising and motivated people to take part in this national process of democratization. Last but not the least, security forces played a very positive role and showed their ability of handling insurgents. After celebration of football and cricket achievements this year, this election was another sign of national unity /nation building for Afghans. We hope that failed candidates are accepting the result and show their political maturity. Blue colors of fingers are still shining; fingers have been shifted from Kalashnikov trigger to blue color, so “don’t underestimate the power of blue finger”.

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