Reduce High Levels of Risk for Poor Families Coping to Make a Living in Afghan Cities

Reduce High Levels of Risk for Poor Families Coping to Make a Living in Afghan Cities



Authors Stefan Schutte, Brandy Bauer
Type Policy note
Theme Social Protection and Livelihoods
Language English
Date of Publication May 01, 2007
Total Pages 4
Available In English
The level of risk that poor households face may determine whether they can build an asset base for sustainable livelihoods or spiral further into poverty. Risks come in many forms - from health and security threats, to cash shortage in times of emergencies. This policy note examines how households engage in largely reactive coping strategies that often trap them in a cycle of risks. In many cases, families are left with little to no institutional support  - at times even obstructed by the very institutions tasked to look after them - to achieve livelihood security. This policy note presents policy recommendations toward addressing these issues at the local and national levels.


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